To maintain Bobit’s email domain name reputation and the relationship with our readers, please follow these guidelines when building and submitting your creative. This will increase the chance that your message is displayed consistently across all browsers and email clients. It will also help your email message from being marked as spam.
- Needs to be responsively designed, no single images
- Maximum subject line of 40 characters
- Include preheader (preview) text of 40-50 characters which accompanies the subject line
- Maximum width of 600-800 pixels
- Recommended height of 500-1000 pixels
- Fonts at minimum of 15-16 points
- Titles at 18 points, with a maximum of 30 for headings
- Buttons size at least 44 points
- Provide a clear call-to-action, and make those CTA’s buttons instead of text links
- Use a maximum of three images
- To ensure fast loading, maximum file size of 250KB, with all graphics at 72dpi
- Accepted fonts = Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman
- No background images or nested background colors
- Don’t use javascript, flash, or other plugins
- Images must be saved as JPG or GIF (no PNG, BMP, or TIFF)
- Subject lines can’t be all caps, or include misleading elements like RE: or FW:
Over 50% of all emails are now opened on a mobile device. Emails should be designed so the layout, user experience, call to action, and landing page is all easily accessible on a mobile device.
- Bobit Business Media may add “Sponsored Message” to the top of all creative to distinguish your epromo from editorial content.
- All materials are due five business days prior to the deployment date to proof your file and make any necessary revisions. Any jobs where the full materials are not received in this timeline may need to be rescheduled, and will only deploy based on availability. Additional charges may apply.
- Advanced design and development specs, as well as additional information regarding email marketing best practices are available at your request.
Contact our Email Marketing Producers: [email protected] or [email protected]or [email protected]